
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hulu Selangor by-election.

On the Blue corner... weighting less than one-third seats won... Barisan Nasional. (Boo~)

and on the red corner... weighting more-than-average... PKR!! *cheers*

An immense battle over the hulu selangor seat start a week ago which was left vacant due to the late minister who passed away 2 weeks ago after struggling with lung cancer for a period of time until he finally couldn't persevere the hazardous disease.

The government party, Barisan Nasional are desperately in need for this vacant seat to secure their sovereign power in the parliament (where a place they can all 'pakat' and corrupt together with other government ministers) and are seeking for any possible gimmicks to insinuate the public to vote for the government party.

Ok, now the news. First, the media filmed one guy wearing a PKR tee climbing up a billboard and used a sickle to tear down the Barisan Nasionals' billboard. Conspiracy #1 : was it a coincident that the media was there ready and filmed the PKR-guy climbing up the billboard and tearing it down? wow~ are the medias like paparazzi now? Conspiracy #2 : would a reasonable person wear the opposing party's tee so obviously and do this unlawful act?

answer: Barisan Nasional did them. (obviously)

Second news, a guy was killed and was informed that the guy was a Barisan Nasional supporter. The media even showed a sms that stated ' Mayat seorang penyokong BN ditemui dalam longkang'. No signs of physical injuries on the body. Conspiracy #3: how did they know he was a BN supporter? BN supporter so what?? he might have offended someone else which has nothing to do with the election-thingy.

well, obviously the government party is trying to insinuate those innocent residents of Hulu Selangor with whatever creative gimmick they had in mind.

Whatever the BN tries to do, we know what you're thinking. NO WAY WE'RE GIVING YOU A DAMN CHANCE!!!

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