
Thursday, April 23, 2009

will be presenting tomorrow...

and i haven't print my speech!...

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Monday, April 20, 2009

it's the 5th week of the semester...

and currently busy with school work especially my presentation which is gonna take place this friday. My topic for the presentation is 'should kyoto protocol be enforced'. i've shown the hard and soft copy to my lecturer and it seems that she is looking forward to my presentation. So i've gotta be well prepared and try my best to deliver this sort of info as it's a topic that most of my classmates are ignorant with.

hope that everything goes well..

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A few moments ago, i was being notified that i received a new e-mail from jersey hui. Without any second thoughts, i went to my inbox and opened the following e-mail. As i had my sidelong glance on the title, it read "FW: [Fwd: FW: July 22nd 2009...". On first thought i thought it was just another lame forwarded e-mails predicting the future based on unrelevant grounds. As i continued on with the title, what caught my attention was the last word of the title, "Tsunami"(Whoa... this is serious...) the full title of the mail > "FW: [Fwd: FW: July 22nd 2009 another Tsunami..]‏"

This is something SERIOUS...

Disaster of quakes and tsunami occurring from 3-7pm (UTC +9) which means occurring from 2-6pm local malaysia time. The nearest quake which likely to affect borneo is from taiwan. The distance between Kuching and Taiwan is roughly 2600km. If the waves were to travel on average 130km/h, Kuching will only be affected 20hours later.

From what i can observe from the picture, taiwan is going to experience a severve earthquake and other places including south korea, japan, east coast of china and philipines are going to experiecne disastrous tidal waves.

The quakes were predicted on three places and this three points can form a triangle. The number '3' really catches my attention. Powerful events or sayings or almost anything comes in 3. That's why it called 'the 3 powers'.
e.g. -Triune God
-3 days later He resurrected
-LOTR trilogy
-Julius caesar's 'i came, i saw, i conquered'
-JFK's 'government of the ppl, by the ppl, for the ppl'
-bermuda triangle
-lucifer saying 'i want to be, i want to be, i want to be', etc.

It reminds me of the movie 'Knowing'

what happens when the numbers run out?

hope that this e-mail is a fiction too... but on the safe side, be cautious and stay away from the seaside on the following month.

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