Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hulu Selangor by-election.
Hulu Selangor by-election.
Posted in 不十分.unbefriedigend, 社会大学.Gesellschaft Universität by junana | 0 comments
25 of the funniest Jeremy Clarkson quips in the world.
Posted in ユーモア.Stimmung by junana | 0 comments
Apple iPad. release to the public on the 5th of April. Basically it's a bigger iPhone. How did Steve Jobs get this idea? According to my conspiracy theory, it's an e-book + iPhone. majority of the american schoolers got themselves an e-book as an replacement for the conventional text book that we once used. The market for e-books are huge. So the intention is to monopolize the e-book market. it sold 300, 000 units on it's first day.
Posted in 検討.Bericht by junana | 0 comments
build a kick-ass liquid cooling system in 6 easy steps >>
Posted in 検討.Bericht by junana | 0 comments
april's fool.
Posted in ちょうど私の運.gerade mein Glück by junana | 0 comments