
Monday, February 23, 2009

how would i like to describe 2009 so far...
hmm... let me see...

due to the global recession in stake, everything seems to be serene or i would say bovine. everyone in the business stream are just idling around and being cautious of their every decisions so that they won't engender themselves in a rancor state.

my birthday was just about a week after chap goh mei and as usual, everyone who came back for cny had left their hometown to commence on what they were up to by then. so i didn't have any plans for my birthday as not many good 'blathers' are still in kch by then. i also didn't want to stir up a convivial atmosphere during my birthday when everyone is bemoaning regarding the global recession.

no plans means no celebration. no celebration means no presents.*chuckle*
but i received text messages wishing me happy birthday since 630am and the latest by 2 days later*hmm* anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes...

as for a consolation, sharon's mum made me a simple cake.*laughs*
it's my first time tasting a simple cake like this. though simple, it's the thought that counts.

thanks! don't be surprise to receive a cake for your next birthday XP

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