Friday, March 26, 2010
it was really an awkward moment yesterday somewhat in the afternoon when 1 of my friend was experiencing severe menstrual cramp during her period. Having to show a little benignancy as a friend, I departed from the lecture hall with another friend to buy some painkillers or paracetamol to relieve the menstrual cramp. And as a matter of fact, i neither had any experience buying these sort of stuff for female friends and so as my other male friend.
We headed for the bookstore inside the building which was acknowledged by another friend of ours that they do sell these sort of emergency items there. As soon as we reached there, we saw a transparent box with a few column filled with different kind of paracetamol with different functionality. Initially i thought the one stated 'muscle and joints' should be the one but luckily i spotted the other one stated 'menstrual cramps'. As soon as i pulled out a row of paracetamol for menstrual cramps, 2 ladies beside me were looking at me and my friend suspiciously like we're a gay couple. Then as we proceed onto the cashier to purchase the item, the cashier asked us 'u confirm want to buy this ar??'(and she asked twice). We just simply answered yes and told the cashier that we are buying for a friend. Then she replied 'ooohhh'. As soon as we did the purchase, we left the scene as fast as possible.
moral: make sure you don't have a gay looking partner with you when you are going shopping for your female friends.
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